"Make great music and meet great people"

The Ballarat Memorial Concert Band was started in about 1920 by Private H.J. Norman McWilliam.

At its inception the band was restricted to Returned Soldiers and by 1924 had developed into a highly skilled and successful brass band. In later years membership was extended to encompass servicemen and women from both wars.

At this time the name of the band was changed to the Ballarat Memorial Soldiers Sailors and Airman Band (BSS&A). The BSS&A Band was Ballarat’s premier marching and performing brass band and was often in demand by festival organizers in and around Ballarat.

In 1987, due to declining numbers, membership was opened all musicians and the band was developed into a concert band. As a reflection of this development, the name of the band was changed to the Ballarat Memorial Concert Band (BMCB).

The Ballarat Memorial Concert Band, and its associated Developmental Band, is a non-profit community organisation. The band plays most types of music including marches, classical, jazz and popular styles and regularly participates in concerts, community festivals and events.

In keeping with its marching band heritage, the BMCB often participates in local marches and parades.

marching band


2001 fesitval of the bands

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